| Over a year and a half ago, we were approached by the official publisher to the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club (RROC), St James’s House, with an invitation to appear in a special publication. St James’s House had been appointed by the RROC to create a high-quality, lifestyle publication tailored to the interests of club members. Titled Strive for Perfection, this 296-page, hardcover book explores the living legacy of the world’s most famous marque, Rolls-Royce, and showcases a range of luxury brands. In total, the book features around 100 exceptional companies from the United States and around the world – including Mason Kay.
Written by motoring and luxury brand experts, the book was launched at the RROC’s 64th Annual Meet held at the Biltmore Estate and Omni Grove Park Inn in Asheville, North Carolina, from July 30 – August 4. The book is currently being distributed to all RROC members, and being made available to Rolls-Royce and Bentley dealerships around the world. We are proud to be one of the companies profiled in this book, which is a spectacular display of elegance and luxury. Our two-page spread incorporates Jeff & Kristina Mason’s interviews with St James’s House, as well as their writer’s vision of our company.
“JADED GLORY: Denver jeweler Mason-Kay has specialized in exquisite pieces made from rare, natural jadeite jade for the past 40 years”. “It’s a stone that possesses a rare kind of beauty —and, as the Chinese believe, can increase health and wealth. Yet consumers often overlook jade when it comes to fine jewelry purchases. This is partly down to misconceptions, one of which is that jade is a less precious gemstone because it can be used in inexpensive jewelry. In fact, there are two types of jade. Nephrite jade is the less expensive, more common type, while natural jadeite jade is rare and exclusive.” Click here to view our full article.
There are four Mason-Kay Designs by Kristina featured in the book. First, shown on the left is a beautiful necklace with apple green, free-form cut jadeite stone with round diamond top (Style #342200). Next are two lovely carved green jadeite drop earrings. The first are round apple green jadeite circles carved with a dragon motif with diamond and sapphire tops (Style #329430), and the second are a rectangular pair of emerald green jadeite carvings hanging from tapered baguette diamond tops (Style #329461). The last piece is a special green jadeite and diamond link bracelet. This bracelet features over two carats of diamonds and five beautiful green jadeite oval cabochons (Style #327030).
We were also quite honored to be invited to participate in the ‘World of Luxury’ exhibition at this year’s RROC meet on the Biltmore Estate.