Mason-Kay has been in the jade business since 1976 selling both loose jade and fine jade jewelry. In that time, this family owned and operated business has achieved a reputation for the finest quality jade jewelry and superior customer service. Our inventory of natural, untreated jadeite jade is considered to be the largest in the trade. We buy and sell, as well as provide full testing and value assesment services to the trade and the general public. Our firm is a member of the AGTA (American Gem Trade Association), the JBT (Jeweler's Board of Trade) and the JVC (Jeweler's Vigilance Committee).
Jeff and Kristina Mason, owners of Mason-Kay, have over 60 years combined experience in the jade business. Jeff has been in the family jade business since the early 1980's, receiving his Graduate Gemological degree from GIA Santa Monica in 1984. Jeff is a fourth generation jeweler and was elected to the AGTA Board of Directors in 2015, and again in 2018. Kristina joined the business in the early 1990's and has been exclusively designing one-of-a-kind jade creations for Mason-Kay since 2007.
In addition to trading in natural jadeite, Mason-Kay has also established the most trusted jadeite lab in the industry, offering testing services for appraisers, stores, auction houses and individuals. We also provide value estimations/assessments. With over 35 years of experience, Jeff has become one of the leading jadeite jade experts in the U.S.
Mason-Kay has the ability to positively identify polymer impregnated jadeite ("B" jade) using infrared spectroscopy. Currently, Mason-Kay is the only commercial jade jewelry company in the U.S. to use infrared spectroscopy to test for polymer impregnation. Mason-Kay offers warranty certificates assuring the customer that all jade purchased from Mason-Kay is natural; we do not trade in treated merchandise.
Mason-Kay makes available to the trade an Online Jade Showroom and the Mason-Kay Colors of Jade Chart. We work with retail accounts, large and small, as a full service jade resource. Our jade collection is shown at various trade shows including JCK Las Vegas and AGTA Tucson.